Wednesday 2 October 2013

This is England


This is England was reproduced in 2006. You may have seen the following ones made in 86, 88 and 90. This is England mainly focuses on characters life changing situations and what life was like to live in the 1980s.
One od the films aim was to attract a British audience. This directors specifically picked British actors to shoes the audience that it was an independent British Film.


The film this is England had low budget of £1.2 million which was mostly funded. Due to lack of funds set encodes realism of the life in the 1980s. There was no sets built, no famous actors, no star marketing and no high tech equipment. Instead there was only British actors, low saturated colouring of the film and handheld cameras were used to film. The film was by Shane Meadows but was produced by EM Media.


This is England was co-funded by the film council lottery fund. Being a British film it was distributed by Optimum therefore it makes the film 100% British. Due to Optimum the film had huge success.
A problem with the films distribution was that Shane Meadows intended This is England to be for a younger audience. However, due to the violence and strong language it was classified as a certificate 18. When Shane Meadows heard the news he said 'this means the film is now unavailable to the audience it will benefit most'


The film was first released in only one hundred cinema screens due to most of the funding going towards production and distribution, which left not enough money for the marketing of the film. However the film didn't have success in the USA due to the lack of exhibition as the film had a low budget and couldn't afford to exhibit the film worldwide.

The UK film council:

The UK film council was a London based private limited company which was set up in 2000 to develop and promote the film industry in the UK. as a PLC it had a board of 15 directors it was co funded by the national lottery. The UKFC made 900films in 11 years, in 2011 the UKFC was abolished, passing over most of its functions to the British Film Institute.

Optimum was founded in 1999. Its head quarters are London/ UK. Optimum have released over 200 films a year and were one the prominent distributors in the UK independent film ad world cinema market since the closure of Tartan films in 2008, Kill list, The guard and a re-release of Whisky Galore! appear to be the last titles released acquired by studio Canal a company working in the UK and Ireland. Since Studio Canal bought Optimum, the French company distribute their large back catalogue of classic British films through Optimum releasing under the strand ''Optimum classic''.


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