Monday 25 November 2013

Paranormal Activity Trailer, codes and conventions

Paranormal Activity

The language involved in the trailer summaries a conventional horror genre. The technical codes of the flickering lights, the night vision and overall darkness of the trailer represents the mystery behind the film representing the genre. Perhaps the darkness reveals the supernatural activity happens at night. The use of symbolic codes, the headlines and subheadings anchors the trailer to give it meaning, persuading the viewers to want to watch it. The sound is quick, fast and catchy, diegetic/ non-diegetic. The sound links to the jumpy reactions of the audience. The target audience has the demographic 15. The audience would be to those who appeal to horror and indulge in the frightening shocks of the supernatural torment. Depending on psychographics peoples views and beliefs on the 'supernatural' would vary, some would reinforce whilst others would challenge. The conventional couple appeal to this target audience. Also the screening displays the target audience being young, the 'on demand' at the end would appeal more to younger generation as they are more up to date with technology.

The representations of the people (couple) in the film are clear. The woman in the trailer seems to be the protagonist as the supernatural occurrences are happening to her. Maybe its portraying the ideology that women are the weaker sex. The whole film makes you think it can happen to anyone, even you. The verisimilitude gives you a vivid sense of this. Also, with the supernatural activity happening in the house/ in the couples room is almost like a invasion of your privacy, it sends enigma codes to the audience, like why them? Why at home? Lastly the institutions Paramount a American company 1st screened in Hollywood. Even though Paramount is a large company the budget was very small (hand held cameras etc), perhaps it reveals that even a big company is capable of having a huge hit even with a small budget.

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